Wednesday, August 25, 2010


A company in Westport CT has asked a high school in New Caanan, CT ....if they would want to participate in an experiment to track high school students who would carry cards with RFID strips. The school hasn't decided yet as to whether it will participate in this experiment. We are told that if the school does decide to allow this horrific experiment to take place...that it will be voluntary.

This is how corporations/government work.They help to create teenage "problems"and other "ills" of society through the social engineering of society and then they introduce THEIR solution which they realize at some point the parents will clamor for...due to their now out of control children.It is unbelievable to me that parents would actually let their children be tracked. Don't they realize they will be next.....or don't they even care?

News article on this story below


  1. Interestingly I've been reading analysis on the recent 'KONY 2012' propaganda and most make note of the fact that the followers were encouraged to obtain a 'bracelet' which subsequently needed to be registered online. O.k, it may not be an RFID chip but it's a step in a similar direction getting the masses to accept items which RFID's could easily be attached to in the near future...

  2. Conspiracy AnalystMarch 17, 2012 at 5:30 AM

    I agree. First our animals are getting chipped under the guise of safety. Next we will hear more about the elderly wandering away and children getting lost or kidnapped. I also believe these are steps leading to the goal of chipping the human population


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