The other day the headlines in the mainstream news, concerning the Oklahoma Tornadoes, blasted forth the following announcement...... TARGETED OKLAHOMA!
In 1976 The United Nations was involved with having nations sign a Weather Weapons Treaty. You can find out more about it here It seems doubtful that this Treaty was ever made official.... especially when one looks at the total picture of destructive one of a kind storms bombarding our nation. It's not only tornadoes but blizzards, drought, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes and tidal waves. The military industrial complexes of some countries (including the United States and Russia) do currently have the technology to wage weather warfare and to create earthquakes and tidal waves. There is a newspaper article from the Asheville Times from 1989 entitled "Can The Soviets Wage Weather War?" By Jack Anderson that talks about this capability. People need to read it! It is contained in the following article. It also speaks of the Russians wanting to melt their polar ice caps to gain access to the many natural resources under the ice.... which includes oil and marine life. The melting of polar ice also opens up very important trade routes!
Before I get to my main point concerning Oklahoma,Kansas, Missouri and the recent monster tornadoes...allow me to quickly brief you on the United Nations Operation of Agenda 21 which may have direct bearing on our wildfires, tornadoes and other "one of a kind" storms that have been battering our nation for a number of years now and they are increasing in number and intensity. Here is a quote from Maurice Strong
"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"---Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environmental Program - Opening speech, Rio Earth Summit, 1992
Gorbachev also states that the environment is the cornerstone of the New World Order. Read about his plans for the world here
Here is one of the first videos I came across that will give you some idea of what Agenda 21 is all about. There is much out there on Agenda 21 and a google search should be very fruitful and educational on this subject. You may even be able to see how it is being put into effect in your community under the guise of saving open spaces. I am torn on this particular aspect of the subject because in Connecticut we are experiencing more and more suburban sprawl...however, we must fully understand the immensity of this Agenda 21 plan before we take too many steps in the wrong direction. If those who are promoting Agenda 21 are really causing our more recent one of a kind violent storms, wildfires, etc..... then it seems doubtful that they really do care about the environment
When wondering why Oklahoma was being "targeted" as the main stream news declared (they sometimes like to throw double meanings into their news headlines....such as Hurricane Sandy being officially declared as a "hybrid frankenstorm" other words...manmade) I thought of looking up Oklahoma together with the phrase Agenda 21 to see if anything significant came up. This is what I found and I believe it may be VERY significant!
We also have Kansas bucking up against the Agenda 21 goals. They are also experiencing the unrelenting unnatural tornadoes
We also find out that Missouri is in the same tornado path. What is their status with Agenda 21?
I certainly didn't have to go very far to find information on this. It seems obvious to me as to what may really be happening here but people need to make up their own minds. You may also want to observe the predictive programming continually being spouted by the mainstream media. This conditioning includes warnings that our weather disasters will only get more frequent and more destructive. We have also been bombarded with warnings in the news and the popular media (movies) that a global pandemic is...."not a matter of IF but WHEN".It's like they are conditioning us to accept a global pandemic.... that may occur or may only be a natural event. After all...they predicted it...right? This morning I hear on the news that some dangerous virus is on the loose! Try and think about what future political goals could be accomplished by either a real or a fake pandemic. Carefully watch the unfolding of this piece of news. At the same time while we are watching tornadoes, earthquakes, shootings, gun confiscation, supposed terrorist attacks,disintegration of the family, emerging society of surveillance and biometrics and pandemics, we need to step back and look at how everything is coalescing together at once to form the perfect opportunity to take advantage of a weakened and unprotected society. If we become aware of the real causes of our recent disasters then we may have a chance. However, if we chose to ignore these warnings out of fear or disbelief then whatever happens....well...we will only have ourselves to blame.
Of course the deterioration of our environment is a crucial and valid issue but the money barons of the world USE and extend these valid issues towards their own selfish goals of profit and control. Because many of these issues are valid (women's rights, treating gay people with equality and respect, healing the environment, etc) many of us are fooled into supporting these con artists our own eventual detriment. These con artists often cause the problem and then offer THEIR solution by getting the people to think that the goals of the con artist are the goals the people thought of on their own.
Notice the complete lack of information on the mainstream news concerning the reality of weather manipulation technology. Maybe they're afraid that if the public realizes the reality of weather modification technology...we might ask the question as to why powerful storms are not being neutralized or steered away from vulnerable populated areas. Let's do our homework and find out what other states are resisting Agenda 21 and what their weather status has been. Maybe it's not money that these hard hit states need the most... but maybe it's our investigation and political support! Is the money being sent to these disaster areas being used to further power the corporate elite?
Know this. I just spoke with a Missouri, ten year experienced, wills and trusts litigation attorney. He had only vague knowledge of UN Agenda 21, yet his practice involves mostly South East American rural properties.
ReplyDeleteLocal planning commissions, police departments and many other important civic groups in every county in the US are salivating over Federal funds offered in exchange for promoting various Federal agendas. Moore, Ok. and Joplin, Mo. officials must carefully consider what they are going to do with FEMA disaster funds.
Search YouTube for "Agenda 21 explained".
Know this too, we sheeple anywhere in the States could have six to eight Storm Troopers, with their automatic weapons pointed at us, in our houses telling us to get out with our hands on our heads like recently in Boston. Their excuse will be the next incident or disaster such as Boston, Sandy Hook, Okalahoma City, Aurora, Co., Joplin, Mo. or Moore, Ok.
Does atmospheric spraying of chemicals in Northern Calif. and Oregon affect the weather in Missouri and Oklahoma? I do not know for sure but it sure fits the agenda of the current Federal Regime.
This is NOT about the political parties. The subject matter IS about the manipulation packaged in Agenda 21 and piggybacked on to the environmental movement. This is nothing but Globalized Governance in the form of Fascist technocratic corporate tyranny.
The perpetrators view people as mere objects. It's a plan created by criminal psychopaths.
The epitome of a psychopath is telling you what you want to hear while doing the opposite. They do not think like you. They study you and us, and learn how we think, so they can lie and take advantage.
Consider further, on 9-11-01, I observed WTC Building 7 go down, live as presented on CNBC TV, also the clip with a reporter speaking of the Building 7 collapse about a minute before it actually went down.
I have been utterly amazed over the years to learn that most of the people I talk to including two MD's, a Dentist, Chiropractor and a Software Engineer, know nothing of Building 7 or of the Silverstein remarks about his telling the Fire Department to "Pull-It".
I thought anyone would know that a Fire Department does not rig demolitions and that no one could have set the explosives in a building with ongoing fires and in less than seven hours.
I figured correcting these colossal fish stories were beyond my control but now that I am seeing the consequences of public indifference, ignorance and complacency, I am talking to every one.
I found about about A21 in July when I got stopped in the forest in Az I have camped in for 15 years, By flashing lights of an officer. Long story short he handed me a new map and said this is where you can go and where you can't. Bottom of map US dept of Agriculture.
DeleteWhen I got home googled why are they closing half the forest
Agenda 21
I researched for 5 days straight
Printed out 500 flyers with with info . and passed them out to friends and strangers
I testified against fluoride, marched against monsanto, tell everyone about chemtrails. And still the forest fires rage and whats sad is for the last couple years until it rains campfires are banned
Who is starting all these fires. These tornados, These droughts designed to kill our food and animals. We know who
Thankyou Richard for your input. I appreciate your pointing to the fact that local officials sell their souls for federal money/support.I am aware of that to some degree but this may be an aspect we need to kindly but firmly focus on. Many may not realize the consequences. To some extent we are all playing a willing role in our own demise...just by living in our modern society. What's the answer? I don't think there is any real solution that will not involve some sort of upheaval.
ReplyDeleteIt is encouraging to find others who see things that so many are blinded to or simply just refuse to accept.
ReplyDeleteThis article and the link to the NewAmerican ( confirmed my understanding.
The Caduceus on the Obamacare logo stabbing through the bloodied furrows of the heartland was further evidence that these catastrophic storms are no accident.
Also, you might find "Pulling A Vortex" interesting.
Thank you Concerned Citizen and Richard.
Elijah....that's a very interesting interpretation of the Obamacare logo and I tend to agree with you.I'm confused tho...were the bloody drips landing on Oklahoma your interpretation or is that an actual government official image?
ReplyDeleteOther than the image labeled, 'Obamacare logo', the other images are my own—after the fact—graphic interpretations ( As for the drops of blood dripping from the tip of the Caduceus staff on to Oklahoma, this signifies—as does Targeting in your article title—the ability of the government or elite to use weather control weapons so precisely against their resistance (target).
ReplyDeleteI hadn't made the connection of Oklahoma fighting Agenda 21 as a motive for the globalists attacks until I read your article. And just as states being targeted for resisting tyranny, so are individuals like you and I for publicizing these questions and objections.